Sammelbezeichnung für Menschen mit einer bestimmten sexuellen Orientierung: lesbisch, gay, bisexuell, transgender, intersexuell oder queer.
In this issue: […] 1993 National LGBT Studies Conference.
GayNet Digest 5 (Iss. 617) in bit.listserv.gaynet (Usenet newsgroup) 11. Aug. 1992. (nach OED Addition 2006)
I think that the identity and the community should be closely examined in order to give the movement and all bisexuals a strong and mature place in the GLBT community.
Bisexual Idenity & Community in (Usenet newsgroup) 9. Jan. 1993. (nach OED 2018)
It sometimes seems that the university world is more open in theory to LGBT studies than in actuality to LGBT persons, scholarly or otherwise.
Advocate 14. Okt. 1997. (nach OED Addition 2006)
It is must-reading for feminists, queer academics, LGBTIQ activists, and their friends and allies.
Patrick Califia: Testimonial (Blurb), auf dem Bucheinband von Joan Nestle, Clare Howell und Riki Anne Wilchins: GenderQueer. Voices from Beyond the Sexual Binary, Los Angeles 2002.
In this new century, the struggle of LGBTIQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, intersexed and queer) people for full equality has become one of the most important and galvanizing civil rights movements.
Greg Wharton: The Love that Dare Not Speak Its Name. Essays on Queer Desire and Sexuality, Wasaga Beach, Ont. 2003, S. 10.
Faisal Alam, founder and director of the international Muslim lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, questioning (LGBTIQ) organization, Al-Fatiha, states that “Sexual humili ation is perhaps the worst form of torture for any Muslim.”
Jasbir K. Puar: Abu Ghraib: Arguing against exceptionalism, in: Feminist Studies 30 (2004), S. 522-534, hier S. 526.
the paper will provide an overview of key mechanisms (both theological (Islamic) and activist) the queer Muslim movement uses to advocate and protect sexual and gender rights in a wide range of Muslim communities across the globe. It will focus on both ijtihad (independent reasoning) and queer jihad (LGBTIQ activism in Muslim contexts).
Vanja Hamzic: Sexual rights in Muslim communities: International Queer Muslim Movement today, in: Culture, Health & Sexuality 9 (2007) (= IASSCS Conference 2007. Dis/organised Pleasures. Abstract Book), S. S24-S25, hier S. S25.