Vorurteile gegenüber oder Diskriminierung von Menschen aufgrund ihres Gewichts.
After we have established, whether by investigation or fiat, that all mental abilities and occupational competencies are randomly distributed among all categories of human beings, however defined, and thereby emancipated the victims of racism, sexism, heightism, weightism and good-looks-ism, we will still have to decide what to do with the ultimate minority—stupid people of whatever race, sex or color. (There are a lot of these, from good WASP families, sitting in our lecture rooms every day) Will we assign quotas for stupid people to be represented in due number in collage faculties, legislative bodies and anthropological associations? We might be nearer compliance than we think.
Alice M. Brues, [Letter], in: Newsletter of the American Anthropological Association 14 (3) (1973), S. 2.
Newsday’s male management commenced publicly to scorn and deride the women and their efforts to seek redress through EEOC [Equal Employment Opportunity Commission] for discrimination by writing and circulating mock memoranda parodying their charges. As examples: “(a) In January 1974 Suffolk Senior Editor Robert Greene and Suffolk Assistant Day City Editor Louis Renzulli, wrote and circulated a memorandum demanding ‘affirmative action at Newsday against weightism’ and threatening to bring suit against Newsday ‘on behalf of fat people,’ as a mocking response to the EEOC charges filed by the female employees. […]”
Anonymus: Only males have a sense of humor, in: Media Report to Women 3 (6), vom 1. Juni 1975, S. 14.
Weightism: Prejudice in a Thin-Obsessed Society What is weightism? Everyone knows what racism is, what sexism is. These are ignorant, irrational prejudices held against members of minority, or even majority, groups.
Meridee Merzer: Winning the Diet Wars, New York 1980, S. 258.
In doing consciousness raising with clients, the therapist can point out that the prejudices against overweight women can be viewed as “ fatism ” or “ weightism,” akin to sexism or racism.
Janet L. Wolfe: Women, in: Albert Ellis und Michael E. Bernard (Hg.): Clinical Applications of Rational-Emotive Therapy, New York 1985, S. 101-128, hier S. 111.
Bruce Blaine und Jennifer McElroy: Selling stereotypes: weight loss infomercials, sexism, and weightism, in: Sex Roles 46 (2002), S. 351-357.